July 8, 2024

3 Habits that Undermine Effective Leadership

We hear leaders say all the time that people are the Army’s number one priority. But there is a difference between saying that and really putting it into practice. Many good leaders – armed with honorable intentions – fall short of success because of poor habits. Leaders can “tell” their teams they care for them, but it takes more than words to

June 4, 2024

3 Types of MEDLOG Reps You Need to Know About

The LAD, based out of Fort Detrick, MD, is the command-and-control team for the global network of Logistics Assistance Program (LAP) personnel. Through coordination with AMLC strategic stakeholders, the LAD executes the day-to-day operations planning, tracking, and provisioning of LAP personnel and activities. The LAP provides expert technical support, training, data driven readiness monitoring and reporting to the operating force across all COMPOs.

May 13, 2024

5 Ways Predictive Analytics Will Revolutionize Medical Logistics

In the ever-evolving landscape of military operations, logistics play a pivotal role in ensuring mission success. From supplying troops with essential equipment to managing complex supply chains in challenging environments, efficient logistics can mean the difference between victory and defeat. In terms of medicine, this is life or death. To stay

April 2, 2024

Contested Logistics in a Forward Environment: A MEDLOG Perspective

The value of these terms cannot be overstated in the distributed modern battlefield. Achieving them simultaneously far forward in our operating environment where the force is organized to be lean and mobile with minimal persistent logistics signature is the crux of the problem facing Army logisticians writing doctrine and bringing capabilities to

March 6, 2024

Strengthening Expeditionary Forces: The Vital Role of Army Medical Logistics

“Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars.” – General John PershingOur command recently participated in a battle staff ride in Europe focused on American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) efforts during World War I (WWI) under the leadership of General Pershing. Our group specifically focused on the Meuse-Argonne offensive which played a major role in

Feb. 7, 2024

Medical Maintenance – Integration to Enable Readiness

Medical Maintenance – Integration to Enable Readiness The Army Medical Logistics Command, through its MEDLOG in Campaigning (MiC) initiative, is making great strides to integrate medical materiel management and maintenance operations into Army-wide systems, generating a common operating picture of readiness for commanders at echelon.To understand

Jan. 24, 2024

3 Ways Army MEDLOG is Sustaining the Fight!

The Army’s most crucial resource is people. The U.S. Army relies on cohesive teams of Soldiers who are highly trained, disciplined and fit to fight and win. To sustain this fighting force, the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA) provides essential equipment and supplies that increase survivability and sustain fighting strength. Sustaining

Dec. 18, 2023

Delivering Decisive Combat Power through Life Cycle Management

What are we for?It’s a critical question we must all ask ourselves.For those of us in the AMLC’s Integrated Logistics Support Center (ILSC), the answer is clear: Readiness.We are for Readiness.Everything we do, as a Life Cycle Management Command for medical materiel, is about ensuring Soldiers have equipment that is safe, suitable, and supportable.

Nov. 1, 2023

Enabling Combat Power

This blog is an ongoing series AMLC will publish monthly that dive into relevant warfighting topics and their implications for the commodity of medical materiel. We welcome your feedback. Send us a message at: usarmy.detrick.amlc.mbx.pca@army.mil