Home : USAMMA : Strategic Readiness Programs : Foreign Military Sales

Foreign Military Sales (FMS)

USAMMA serves as the Department of Defense principal and command case manager for the medical materiel inquiries, sales, and follow-on support. The FMS mission includes planning, managing, administering and coordinating the U.S. Army Medical Command Class VIII medical equipment, supplies, and services portion of the Security Assistance Program. USAMMA also serves as the case preparer for medical items and the sole Army contact for the sale of service unique medical materiel. The USAMMA Force Projection Directorate (FPD)'s role in security assistance is to support and implement approved programs in consonance with U.S. military strategic plans and objectives. As Command Case Manager, FPD interfaces with security assistance organizations, and other USG agencies to define security assistance requests.

In FY16, USAMMA coordinated with more than 20 counties to deliver more than $165M worth of Command Class VIII medical equipment, supplies, and services via FMS.

FMS Contacts

Country Case Manager (CCM) for countries within the Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), the European Command (EUCOM) and the African Region (AFRICOM), Northern Command (NORTHCOM).
Telephone DSN 343-2058
Commercial 301-619-2058

Country Case Manager (CCM) for countries with-in the Central Command (CENTCOM) and Pacific Command (PACOM). 
Telephone DSN 343-4419                     
Commercial 301-619-4419
Fax: DSN 343-9340 or                              
Commercial 301-619-9340


693 Neiman Street
Fort Detrick, MD  21702-5001

Email contact: usarmy.detrick.usamma.mbx.ops-center@army.mil