Q: How are Medical Materiel Quality Control (MMQC) messages generated? Where does the data come from?
- The normal means of receiving requests for messages are from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Product Manufacturers and/or Defense Medical Materiel Program Office (DMMPO)—formerly Defense Medical Standardization Board (DMSB). FDA sends "RECALLS" to Defense Logistics Agency, Troup Support (DLA-TS)--formerly Defense Supply Center of Philadelphia (DSCP).
- Other means of receiving requests for messages are: MEDWATCH, Institute of Safe Medical Practices (ISMP), other Pharmacists / healthcare providers, drug companies, CDC, World Wide Web, MILVAX, and customers.
- DLA-TS compiles all recall information and forwards it to USAMMA.
- USAMMA receives information, researches products for National Stock Numbers (NSN) and or National Drug Codes (NDC). USAMMA inputs recall information into MMQC system.
- USAMMA has subject matter experts that approve messages prior to releasing them (pharmacists, clinical staff, medical equipment maintenance staff).
- USAMMA releases messages to the USAMMA website and e-mails messages out to registered e-mail recipients.
Vaccine Distribution
Q: Who is my Immunization Healthcare Specialist (IHS)?
A: Your Immunization Healthcare Specialist is regionally assigned to provide expertise in all areas of vaccine program implementation. A map detailing contact information and areas of responsibility for each IHS can be found on the DHA Immunization Healthcare Branch website.
Q: I have not been contacted in regards to vaccine I requested, who should I contact?
A: If you have received a confirmation email with an order ID number, contact USAMMA DOC. If you did not, then contact your service representative.
Q: I have received my vaccine. What steps do I take?
A: Upon receipt of your package, contact the USAMMA Distribution Operations Center (DOC) immediately after inspecting the outside of the package for damage. Please call your designated case manager, the person who contacted you verbally and by email with tracking information. Your case manager will then walk you through the verbal release process for your vaccine.
Q: I have just ordered vaccine. What are the responsibilities of the POC and alternate POC for my site?
A: POCs and other designated personnel must be familiar with the handling of TSMPs. At least two designated personnel will be on site the day of requested delivery. USAMMA DOC will contact designated personnel prior to shipment to verify all contact information and availability.
Q: Who is my case manager?
A: Case managers are assigned to oversee a vaccine shipment and to work with you directly to ensure your vaccine is received, processed and stored properly to minimize the chance of a vaccine loss. Your case manager's contact information can be found on the Pre-Alert email sent to you on the day of vaccine shipment.
Q: What do I do if I suspect that I’ve had a compromise in my vaccine?
A: Immediately quarantine vaccines in a proper storage facility. Contact your IHS immediately. Visit our DOC webpage for more directions.
Q: What do I do if I put my diluent in the refrigerator?
A: Immediately remove to a room temperature environment. Label "DO NOT USE" and contact USAMMA DOC for disposition.
Q: How long is my Smallpox good for after reconstitution?
A: 30 days.
Q: I have vaccine that I am not going to use prior to expiration. What do I do?
A: Contact USAMMA DOC and/or your service representative.
Q: What do I do if I suspect that I have inoculated personnel with expired vaccine?
A: Immediately cease inoculations and contact your local IHS representative.
Q: What should I do when my AX27L stops working?
A: Contact USAMMA DOC and await determination on whether AX27L is serviceable and/or under a current contract. If so, USAMMA DOC will provide instructions for returning the AX27L for repairs. If not, USAMMA DOC will provide manufacture contact information so that your command may contact the manufacturer directly.
Q: How do I request Cold Chain Management (CCM) training for my site?
A: Contact the USAMMA Distribution Operations Center (DOC) Project Manager at DSN 343-1197 or COMM 301-619-1197/301-676-0857, or the USAMMA Pharmacy Consultant/Military Vaccine Agency (MILVAX) Deputy Director, Distribution Operations at DSN 343-4307 or COMM 301-619-4307/301-256-8072.
Q: What factors determine timeliness of delivery for Influenza vaccine?
A: There are numerous factors:
- Availability of vaccine.
- Award of contract to various manufacturer's; to include delivery dates and quantities.
- Delivery of Influenza vaccine to Defense Logistics Agency depots.
- Official policy guidance providing priorities for administering the Influenza vaccine
Q: Can I use last year's Influenza vaccine?
A: No. Influenza, commonly called "the flu" is caused by the influenza virus. Flu viruses change from year to year. A vaccine made against flu viruses circulating last year may not protect against the newer viruses. That is why the influenza vaccine is updated to include current viruses every year. Each flu season is unique.
Q: When is Influenza season officially over?
A: The CDC recommends that people get vaccinated in October or November because flu activity in the United States generally peaks between late December and early March. You can still benefit from getting vaccinated after November, even if flu is present in your area. Vaccine should continue to be offered to unvaccinated people throughout the flu season as long as vaccine is still available.