Home : USAMMC-K : Chief of Staff : S8/Resource Management : Service & Support

USAMMC-K RM provides the following service and support:

  • Supports for Defense Travel System procedure
  • Manages Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)
  • Manages Government Purchase Card (GPC)
  • Implements financial management procedures
  • Supervises the integration of plans and programs for budget formulation and execution
  • Manages manpower authorizations and documentation
  • Provide general advice on managing fund obligation and execution for health care preparation




USAMMC-K RM provides in/out financial support including DTS and travel card. All incoming and outgoing personnel must complete in/out process through the resource management.


Please download forms here, fill out and send it to usarmy.carroll.medcom-kor.list.usammc-k-rm@mail.mil for incoming process.



All outgoing personnel needs to physically stop by RM office to complete outgoing process.



USAMMC-K RM provides DTS operation including TDY authorization and voucher for USAMMC-K and 563rd MLC personnel.

 TDY Request Form  TDY request form needs to be submitted with required signature to RM office
 Certification of Unavailable/Lost Receipts  Please fill out the form; When the receipts are not available for the travel voucher
 Travel Payment Preference Sheet  KGS Employees and KATUSA Soldiers
 FAQ on Required Receipts 
 CTO Fees  Consider Government Resource to use CTO


USAMMC-K RM provides GTCC registration service for proper GTCC process. All in/out personnel who have GTCC should complete in/out process with RM.

Please download forms listed below, fill out and send it to usarmy.carroll.medcom-kor.list.usammc-k-rm@mail.mil for proper process:



USAMMC-K RM provides guidelines on the use of GPC. Please download forms listed below, fill out and send it to usarmy.carroll.medcom-kor.list.usammc-k-rm@mail.mil for placing GPC order:
