Home : USAMMA : Deployers Toolkit : Maintenance Training

68A Training

BMET Certification Training Information (milSuite login required)
No-cost BMET biomedical technician training for Fluke TMDE external link graphic.gif
JKO LCMS Medical Equipment Operator/Maintainer Courses (search for prefix - MED)
Soldier’s Manual and Trainer’s Guide MOS 68A STP 8-68A15-SM-TG
GCSS-Army Familiarization Training
GCSS-Army Training for Record - GTRAC

CT Maintenance Training

There is one CT type used in the tactical environment by the Army. It is model Brilliance 16, manufactured by Philips Medical Systems, mounted inside an 2: 1 ISO-shelter Some deployed organizations may have a different iteration of this type scanner (64 slice). The maintenance-training program is the same.

The deploying BES (Biomedical Equipment Specialist) (MOS 68A) may be required to attend CT maintenance training for the deployed scanner. Specific information regarding training schedules for maintenance training is available from FORSCOM and the USAMMA.

Contact the FORSCOM as follows:
(910) 570-6459 or DSN 670-6459

Contact the USAMMA as follows:
(301) 619-4376 or DSN 343-4376, Email: Training

USAMMA will provide assistance as necessary.

Course Description & Prerequisites for CT Maintenance Training

Course description - All CT courses expect that the Student have at least one year or more working in the X-ray maintenance environment. Because of the interface with computers for calibration and services, an Information Technology (IT) familiarity is strongly recommended.

The student is expected to complete the Virtual Classroom material prior to arrival at the course facility. Philips places the student into a 10 day didactic and practical exercise course with a pass/fail final exam, total campus course length is 2 weeks.

Course Prerequisites - For Brilliance 16 and 64 BasiX
A one week familiarization course in Cleveland, OH, or may be taken as Computer Based Training (CBT). The course must be completed and passed prior to enrollment into a CT maintenance course.

Unix experience is highly recommended.

These courses are available through the Philips Training Center once class attendance is confirmed.